IMS Noida

Bachelor of Design in Fashion Design

(4 years UG Program)

B.Des in Fashion design is a unique program which provides its graduating students with employable skills for the industry or start their entrepreneurial journey in Fashion and design industry. The course encourages the students to practice futuristic fashion and solve problems in global and local context of fashion and textile industry.

Students are exposed to experiential learning throughout the course via industry visits, foreign exchanges, and master classes.

  • Digital proficiency in Design through softwares like CLO 3D.
  • International Fashion competitions are part of the curriculum.
  • Industry based classroom projects for experiential Learning.
  • Acilitat students with business and infrastructure support for nearly 7 years on starting a fashion entrepreneurial venture.
  • International trips to exhibitions and fashion weeks.
    Additional 16 certificates level courses from International Universities within the B.Des curriculum in Fashion Design.
  • Hands on learning of Couture and Luxury Fashion.
  • The program has industry collaboration with 2 in-house fashion brands.
  • Mentors from Industry and senior academia to support Live projects and placements.
  • Hi- Tech Labs 3-D printing, Laser-cutting, CLO 3D and Organic design Lab for training Fashion Designers for future.
  • Masterclasses from the International skilled master professionals in Fashion.
  • Strong ethical practices for producing fashion for a sustainable world through Organic Design Lab.
  • International Master faculty as part of curriculum delivery.
  • Most advanced curriculum in B.Des program to cater future needs of the fashion world.
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